Fruit Lollies!

It's too hot but we cannot complain since its summer, so to beat this summer I've brought you some healthy and vegan popsicles!


  1. 1 banana
  2. 150g strawberry
  3. 100g bluberries
  4. 75g raspberry
  5. 300g Yoghurt
  1. In a mixer, add cut pieces of banana, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, yoghurt, and turn on the mixer.
  2. Open the head and in the mixture add 150 strawberry, 100g blueberry, 75g raspberry and mix well with a spoon.
  3. Pour the mixture in a refrigerting rectangular tray and place 8-10 ice cream sticks in it. Freeze until solid.
  4. Take the tray out and cut it according to the sticks placed and your fruit lollies are ready!

Wasn't it easy? It sure was! Enjoy today with these and I'll be back with more!
