Smoothie Breakfast Bowls!

  • Pitaya Passion Bowl


  1. Banana
  2. Strawberry
  3. Raspberries
  4.  Pitaya 


  1. Refrigerate all the ingredients and put them in a mixer all together
  2. In a  bowl pour the mixture and in a crescent moon shape start placing cut pieces of raspberries,strawberries, banana, pirate, almonds and cashews!
  3. Your breakfast bowl is ready!

  • Tropical Colada Bowl
  1. Mango
  2. Banana
  3. Pineapple
  4. Peaches
  1. Refrigerate all the ingredients and put them in a mixer all together!
  2. In a bowl pour the mixture and in a crescent moon shape, start placing cut pieces of banana, pineapple,mango, peaches,almonds, cashews.
  3. Your breakfast bowl is ready to be served!

  • All the Greens Bowl
  1. Kiwi
  2. Banana
  3. Spinach
  4. Green Apple
  1. Refrigerate all the ingredients and put them in a mixer together!
  2. In a bowl pour the mixture and in a crescent moon shape along the bowl, start placing cut pieces of banana, kiwi, spinach, green apple, almonds and cashews.
  3. Your breakfast is ready!

  • Blueberry Boost Bowl
  1. Blueberries
  2. Banana
  3. Spirulina
  4. Kale

  1. Refrigerate all the ingredients and put them in a mixer together!
  2. In a bowl pour the mixture and in a crescent moon shape along the bowl, start placing cut pieces of blue berries, banana, Spirulina, kale,almond, cashews, granola seeds.
  3. Your breakfast is ready!
