French Sandwich

French Sandwich

Now breakfast should be filling as well as fancy and for you guys I've brought another recipe!


  1. Bread
  2. Eggs
  3. Cheddar
  4. Mozarella
  5. Ham
  1. Take two breads and with a knife cut rectangular shaped pieces out from the middle of both the breads.
  2. Break a raw egg in a bowl and add some more of egg white from the second raw egg which is taken out by making a small hole on the top of the egg. Mix the egg yolk and egg white with pepper and pour the same in the holes made in the breads, which are placed on a pan.
  3. Overturn the breads after they are cooked and add 2 cheddar cheese slices on top of one bread and one ham slice on top of the other bread and cook on medium fire.
  4. Now take the ham bread and place it above the cheddar cheese bread and spread some Mozarella from the top. Place that egg yolk which was separated from it's white in step 2 on top of Mozarella and cook on medium fire.
  5. Take the sandwiches out and spread some parsley from above! And it's ready to be served!

Enjoy guys! Stay tuned for some refreshments though!
