Snickers Milkshake!

Since summer has started in many countries including some parts of India, it's now time for milkshakes and I seem to have the perfect recipes for chocolate lovers!It's a very simple yet tasty recipe and is worth a try.


  1. Snickers Chocolate bar x2
  2. Peanut Butter(2tbsp)
  3. Caramel(1tbsp)
  4. Cocoa Powder(2tbsp)
  5. Milk(950ml)
  6. Chocolate Sauce


  1. Break the snicker bars into two and put them in the mixer. In it,add peanut butter, caramel, cocoa powder, warm milk and start the mixer.
  2. Take a large mug and dip its' rims into chocolate sauce and then into caramel.
  3. Fill the mug with the mixture in the first step up to the rim.
  4. Add whipped cream to thetop and add caramel sauce in small amounts for the last step.

Was it not easy? It was! All the best guys for trying it out and don't forget to share the pictures of your recipe with me. Mail me your pictures at if you want goodies from Amazon!
